One of horror cinema’s most enduring tropes is the final girl. The final girl is the last surviving female character who must face the killer or creature in the film’s climax. It’s a celebrated element of scary movies, particularly in – but not limited to – the slasher subgenre, so much so...
Read MoreFriday the 13th is one of the seminal horror franchises, among the ranks of Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Unlike those three, however, Friday’s first film differs from the rest of the series. First off, let’s talk about the story. In the 1950’s a boy drowns...
Read MoreI’d classify myself as a Friday the 13th fan, albeit a casual one. I’ve always been more of a Freddy guy, but my friend Scott got me into the franchise late in my horror film-watching life. He showed me Parts 4-6, and it converted me, even if Part 5 wasn’t the best. But when I heard … ...
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