“Funeral for a Friend,” a reference to the comic book story that chronicled the aftermath of “The Death of Superman” (as opposed to the Elton John song), is the inevitable follow-up to Frost’s death in “Death Falls.” It’s a quiet episode with very little superhero action, focusing on...
Read MoreThe Flash may be changing his face at the speed of light. ScreenGeek exclusively reports that, in the wake of Ezra Miller’s nasty habit of assaulting people, Warner Bros. is “considering their options” for the upcoming DCEU movie The Flash, in which Miller portrays the titular Fastest Man Aliv...
Read MoreThere’d been whispers that “Death Falls” would feature a big event, specifically a death. My mind went to several bad places, wondering if The Flash would lose another instrumental character, someone we’d grown to love over the years. What happens is big, sad, and impactful in ways both pers...
Read More“Death Rises” is what I call a connective tissue episode, made necessary by 20-plus-episode seasons (see also: the filler episode and the bottle episode) and existing mostly to move the plot along between high points. These are never anyone’s favorite episodes, and “Death Rises” doesn’t ...
Read MoreA new Crisis reset could be coming to DC Entertainment. Variety exclusively reports that, following its acquisition of WarnerMedia from AT&T (boy, that was a short stewardship, wasn’t it?), Discovery – the parent company of networks such as The Discovery Channel, Food Network, and Animal Pla...
Read More“Resurrection” does a lot for The Flash’s current season, and not just by continuing an excellent run. Black Flame finally comes into its own, a different long-running theme returns (or is… no, I’m going to hold the title pun in my pocket for a bit), and another engaging moral quandary pre...
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