While watching “Masquerade,” I got the impression The Flash was either trying and failing to assure us that we wouldn’t miss Cisco or rubbing our nose in losing our avatar by showing us the cavalcade of suck with which he’s been replaced. And, to help things along, they made it extra boring;...
Read MoreWhy does The Flash insist on sending off its departing stars with lackluster episodes? Harrison Wells got the dull, weightless “All’s Wells That Ends Wells,” and now Cisco is stuck with “Good-Bye Vibrations” (because he used to be Vibe, hardy-har-har). While the final moments are fitting f...
Read More“Family Matters Part 2,” the maddeningly uneven follow-up to last week’s cliffhanger, has some wonderful moments and a great thematic structure but dilutes that with awful dialogue, a shockingly bad subplot, and an overcomplication of the Forces and their natures. In the end, it’s a muddle o...
Read MoreLast week, The Flash took this season’s stalling story in a welcome new direction, but “Family Matters Part 1” warns us not to count our chickens before they’re hatched. It simplifies a complicated theme, wastes time with a tired plot point, and has characters make strange and, in some cases...
Read More“Timeless” is easily the best episode of The Flash so far this year. It’s much more focused than the show has been lately, and it points the season in a slightly new direction that’s much more interesting than the underwhelming story we’ve been dealing with so far. It also manages to do so...
Read More“The People v. Killer Frost” is a good note on which to return for The Flash, although it could’ve been a great one. It returns to the classic themes of the series, and it presents a more compelling ethical dilemma than I anticipated for a show – and a franchise – that has become so &helli...
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