The war for Gotham’s underworld heats up in “Gold Summit,” yet another fantastic episode of The Penguin that manages to add layers to some already well-drawn characters, humanizing the show’s array of monsters and graying conflicts that were beginning to look fairly straightforward. Sofia a...
Read MoreIn a way, it’s unfortunate that “Homecoming” is following the outstanding “Cent’Anni,” as it was all but destined to suffer by comparison. But it’s another great episode of The Penguin, rocketing the story forward on multiple fronts, bringing all the major characters into the next leg ...
Read MoreThe Penguin’s trend appears to be one-upping itself every week, but I don’t know if it will be able to pull that trick again; although it’s following the excellent “Bliss,” “Cent’Anni” is even better than its immediate predecessor and the best episode of this series yet. This week fo...
Read MoreAnother member of the Green Lantern Corps. – and James Gunn and Peter Safran’s DCU – has been cast. According to Deadline, Aaron Pierre will play John Stewart, one of the two Green Lanterns headlining the upcoming HBO series Lanterns. If current negotiations are successful, which Deadline says...
Read MoreAndy Greenwald, one of the newly announced writers for the upcoming Harry Potter Max series, recently claimed that he did not prefer the idea of a faithful adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s beloved books despite admitting the success it would bring. He further admitted to never having finished the book...
Read MoreIn another instance of the thing everyone assumed would happen actually happening, HBO will not pick up Velma season 3. If you don’t remember what this show is – or blocked it out after seeing some online clips, which was probably a smart move – Velma is the reimagining of Scooby-Doo with V...
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