Over the last several years, revivals have become popular in the hallowed halls of Hollywood. From ABC’s The Connors to the most recent Netflix iteration of Lucifer, fans have flocked to these projects in an effort to capture the feeling of nostalgia many of these properties provided. The la...
Read More*SPOILERS* In “The Iron Throne,” the Unsullied execute Lannister prisoners in the street, to the horror of Jon Snow, Ser Davos, and Tyrion. Tyrion tosses aside his Hand of the Queen pin and confesses to releasing Jaime, precipitating his imprisonment. Jon and Daenerys discuss the slaught...
Read MoreGame of Thrones’ long-awaited final season has finally arrived, and it’s… not good. I’ve liked more of it than a lot of people, but I’m still massively disappointed, and seeing what was on its way to becoming one of the greatest shows in television history devolve into ...
Read More*SPOILERS* In “The Bells,” Tyrion goes to tell Daenerys about Varys’ plans to betray her. She has Varys executed by Drogon and tells Tyrion that Jaime was captured trying to get to Cersei. She says that the next time her Hand disappoints her will be the last. Tyrion releases Jaime ...
Read More*SPOILERS* In “The Last of the Starks,” Daenerys, Jon, and everyone else burn the dead. At dinner, Daenerys dubs Gendry Lord of Storm’s End and the lawful son of Robert Baratheon. Bran tells Tyrion that he doesn’t want anything, not even to be Lord of Winterfell. Tormund trie...
Read More*SPOILERS* “The Long Night” opens with everyone preparing for the coming battle. Sam arrives at the front. Melisandre comes and enchants the fighters’ swords. She tells Davos that she’ll be dead by the dawn. The dead attack, and Jon and Daenerys mount their dragons to set the...
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