Tag: Henry Cavill

REVIEW: The Witcher – Season 2 (2021)

You know what my problem is? Hope. When I see a show that’s flawed but interesting, I have this undying hope that the next season will learn from whatever mistakes were made while maintaining whatever impressed me. This has burnt me several times, most notably in the transition from Legend of Korr...

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The Witcher Season 2 Trailer Pursues Destiny

This Friday, October the 29th, Netflix finally released a trailer for The Witcher season 2. The streaming giant had previously released stills and announced new cast members, including Kristofer Hivju of Game of Thrones fame. Following a flawed but successful first season, the second installment wil...

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Matthew Vaughn Spy Film Argylle Bought by Apple

Apple is hoping “manners maketh man” translates to movie franchises. Deadline reports that Apple Original Films has purchased the rights to Argylle, a spy film to be directed by Matthew Vaughn. Based on an upcoming book by Ellie Conway, Argylle is about “the world’s greatest spy as he is cau...

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THR Article Proves Warner Bros. and DC are “Tone Deaf”

The latest Hollywood Reporter article poses the issue of who will be the new black Superman and its director of color. The report throws out potential ideas for who will become the new Superman. Additionally, actor Michael B. Jordan denied he would be taking over the role: “It’s definit...

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REVIEW: Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

When I saw Justice League in theaters back in 2017, I liked it fine. It feels like an eternity has passed since then for a number of reasons, not the least of which being that the past year has felt like a decade. The first week or so after seeing the original Justice League cut, …

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Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trailer is Finally Here

The long-awaited trailer for Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League has been released, but not without controversy. Someone with access to a still of the trailer leaked an image, which forced Snyder to move up the release from its scheduled time. The following tweet from Grace Randolph states, &#...

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