In the leadup to its next film, Marvel hopes to catch you up on things you either don’t remember or never saw in the first place. A new trailer (of sorts) for The Marvels was released today, titled “Journey to The Marvels,” and it’s the advertising equivalent of a clip show. Plot points from...
Read MoreThe superheroes are back (like they ever left), trying to regain some ground owned by Barbie and Oppenheimer. Marvel has released a new trailer for its final superhero film of 2023, The Marvels. The Marvels finds Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau, and Ms. Marvel switching places with each other every t...
Read MoreThe hype machine is running for Marvel’s next movie. Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive look at The Marvels, the final theatrical MCU entry of 2023. A sequel to Captain Marvel, WandaVision, and Ms. Marvel, The Marvels finds Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), and Kamal...
Read MoreThe movie may have been delayed (again), but a new trailer for The Marvels is here to get everyone hyped for November. A sequel to Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and WandaVision, The Marvels finds Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan trapped in a weird sci-fi finger trap where they switch pla...
Read MoreMs. Marvel went against the grain and saved the worst for last. (Well, maybe; it’s a toss-up between this and last week’s snoozefest.) “No Normal” is a finale that feels like it had no setup outside of a minute-and-a-half scene at the end of the previous episode, with poor plotting, ridiculo...
Read MoreThe Ms. Marvel series has confirmed the existence of mutants in the MCU by making Kamala Khan a mutant in a shrugged-off moment during the season’s final scene. Ms. Marvel went summarily unwatched by the G+G sphere despite Salon’s accusations to the contrary and was the lowest watch...
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