While I like Madagascar, it was never one of my favorite movies. As such, I didn’t make any significant effort to see the sequels when they came out. I saw Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa on TV a few years after it originally came out. I don’t remember a whole lot about it, but I do …...
Read MoreDreamWorks had a weird year in 2004. Less than six months apart, the studio released one of the greatest sequels of all time and one of their worst movies to this day. Looking back, it seems like a total crapshoot as to what the studio would put out next. A sweeping, thoughtful epic like The &hellip...
Read MoreRemember when I said some of the big event movies of this summer were more conservative-leaning than you might think? Well, Angel Has Fallen one-upped all of them by being possibly the most blatantly pro-Trump film yet made. Forgoing subtext entirely, the latest in the action series about maverick S...
Read MoreGerard Butler is going to have to save the President at least (and I hope not just) one more time, as Lionsgate has released the first Angel Has Fallen trailer. The third in the immensely entertaining action series, Angel Has Fallen sees Butler’s Secret Service agent Mike Banning protecting former...
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