INTRODUCTION “There’s only one thing I know about life. I know some things happen by chance. And some things happen because we make them happen. Barry Allen was once haunted by the past. But when he became the Flash, he left the ghosts behind. He found love. A family. And for the first time ...
Read MoreThe Flash has been a bumpy road. It started almost impeccably with an outstanding first season; unfortunately, that would also prove to be its best season. The following two were very good, but as The Flash moved to the middle of its run, it showed signs of wear. The writers struggled to make their ...
Read MoreMuch of The Flash’s final season has been disappointing at best, but last week’s stellar episode made wading through that swamp worth it. It was so good I wondered if it should have been the finale, closing out the series on a high note instead of rolling the dice with four more episodes. But if...
Read MoreThe Flash has been off the air for four months, and to remind us of what we’ve been missing, the series gave us an episode focusing on Barry’s corny kids. Not that a Nora/Bart episode like “Impulsive Excessive Disorder” would have been good at any point in the run, but as the mid-season(ish)...
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