In a Deadline exclusive, Sony Animation announced Bob Persichetti and Justin K. Thompson as the directors of Beyond the Spider-Verse, the final film in the trilogy that began in 2018 with Into the Spider-Verse. Persichetti and Thompson are veterans of the franchise, being on the direction teams f...
Read MoreInto the Spider-Verse was one of the biggest pleasant surprises of the past few years. I’ve liked some movies from Sony Pictures Animation, like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and The Lego Movie. But Spider-Verse single-handedly initiated a paradigm shift in the landscape of American animation....
Read MoreVariety reports that Sony’s sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will be directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson. Dos Santos is known for directing episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, and Justice League Unlimited, among others. Powers wro...
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