Tag: Lucasfilm

REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Season 1, Episode 14 “The Doza Dilemma”

*Spoilers* In “The Doza Dilemma,” the First Order’s pirates on the Colossus demand more pay in exchange for getting Doza’s cooperation. The First Order agent agrees and tells them they’ll have to steal something close to Doza, something precious to him. Meanwhile, Synara rendez...

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REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Episodes 12 and 13 “Bibo” and “Dangerous Business”

*Spoilers* In “Bibo,” Synara brings in a scavenged ship. On it, they find an aquatic creature that Neeku decides to adopt and name Bibo. Within the Colossus, Bibo soon begins trying to eat everything, as well as stinking the place up. Synara asks Kaz to go on a salvaging run with her; there, she...

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Corporatism vs. Nerdom: Repeating Industry-Killing Mistakes

Mainstream entertainment companies are really working hard to take the “entertainment” out of the entertainment industry. Marvel, EA, Lucasfilm, Blizzard, Bethesda, Wizards of the Coast – to name a few – are run by executives who only understand the business aspect of the ecosyste...

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Why I’m Excited: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7

Star Wars: The Clone Wars premiered during a very different time at Lucasfilm. The prequels had finished three years prior, and George Lucas was planning on moving into television. His goals were simple: To create a live-action TV show and 100 episodes of the CGI animated series. Although the live a...

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REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Season One, Episode Eleven “Station Theta Black”

*Spoilers* In “Station Theta Black,” Yeager has loaned Kaz the Fireball, angering Tam. Yeager reminds the feisty mechanic that he technically still owns the ship, to her reply that one of the stabilizers is still missing; she’s angry because she was in the process of fixing it. We cut to K...

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REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Season 1, Episode 10 “Secrets and Holograms”

*Spoilers* “Secrets and Holograms” opens with Torra playing a game and ultimately deciding to ask her father if she can join him on a mission. However, he declines, saying that it’s not safe for her; she storms into her room. He leaves a droid in charge of her, but she tricks it into walki...

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