Tag: Lucasfilm

Lucasfilm Drops Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures on an Unsuspecting Internet

Yesterday afternoon, Lucasfilm announced a new animation project to be released this very November 30th, 2018. Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures will be released in the new Star Wars Kids site and its new YouTube channel. These shorts will focus on the original Star Wars trilogy for the time being, mi...

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REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Season 1, Episode 9 “The Platform Classic”

*Spoilers* In “The Platform Classic,” Tam encourages Kaz and Neeku to get to work so that Yeager will allow the three to watch the eponymous race. Yeager comes in announcing that Doza wants to meet with him. They all go, and Doza asks Yeager to compete in the race; at first, he declines, but Doz...

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REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance – Season 1, Episode 8 “Synara’s Score”

*Spoilers* In “Synara’s Score,” Yeager receives a message from Doza that pirates will be attacking soon. Yeager tasks Neeku with staying in the shop working all day and sends Tam and Kaz to get a tracker chip. After being unable to find it affordably, Kaz asks Synara for help findi...

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Why I’m Excited: Rogue One TV Series

Full disclosure: I was trying to avoid writing this one, in part because I just did a Star Wars-centric piece and I wanted to space (no pun intended) out Star Wars articles. Yet when the Rogue One TV series was announced with Diego Luna reprising the role of Cassian Andor, the possibilities began ro...

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Gina Carano to Fight Her Way Through The Mandalorian

It looks like MMA star Gina Carano is about to trade the ring for outer space. Variety reports that Carano has been cast in the Pedro Pascal-led The Mandalorian. Her exact role in the project is being kept quiet. Carano has had a couple of starring roles, most notably the Steven Soderbergh directed�...

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Cassian Andor Series in the Works for Disney +

Lucasfilm is going back to the well once again – albeit one of the shallower parts of the well – as Disney CEO Bob Iger announced earlier that a series revolving around Cassian Andor will be coming to Disney + (formerly Disney Play, or so we thought). Cassian Andor is the Rebel spy played by &he...

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