Star Wars Battlefront II was released this past November to a lot of mixed feelings. In my review, I was rather positive overall but one of my issues with the game was the progression system. Earning star cards through loot crates wasn’t the way to go, and DICE will be implementing a new system th...
Read MoreSince I wrote down my own feelings about the movie, The Last Jedi has caused quite a stir. It has its ardent defenders (Ty Rothermal and Mike Kaye among them), but a sizeable chunk of the fandom is really not happy with it, or the direction in which the Star Wars franchise is headed, cinematically &...
Read MoreFor the first few days after I saw The Last Jedi, I had no intention of writing about it in depth. Why bother? The damn thing isn’t worth discussing in any kind of detail; I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie with this much contempt for its audience and its own franchise (outside the … ...
Read MoreI didn’t like The Force Awakens. I hated its refusal to explain its central conflict, its misuse of – and seeming distaste for – the classic characters (one in particular), its disappointing villain, its endless dangling story threads, and, most of all, its replicating the entire plot of A New...
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