Spider-Man: No Way Home had me worried from the start. I’d enjoyed Spidey’s previous MCU films very much, and while I haven’t cared for some of the changes made to his lore, I had faith that it was leading somewhere and decided to go with it. Then, they announced that the third movie would inv...
Read MoreAfter plugging yesterday’s leak with some well-placed webbing, Sony has released the first Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer. The third (kind of) solo Spidey film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: No Way Home sees Peter Parker team with Doctor Strange to contend with the multiverse, incl...
Read MoreSpider-Man is swinging by to give us a glimpse at a post-Avengers: Endgame world via a new trailer for the highly anticipated sequel Spider-Man: Far From Home. As Peter Parker himself, Tom Holland, warns you before the trailer, there are huge spoilers for Avengers: Endgame, so don’t watch if you h...
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