Tag: Marvel

Logan vs. the DCEU

“Someone will come along.” “Someone has come along.” After a stellar marketing campaign and the promise of seeing the final appearance of a now legendary actor/character pairing, Logan is finally out in theaters. I saw it opening night (and thank god I did, or I’d have had lots of surprise...

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Strange Talk

There’s a new podcast in town, folks. It’s called Fresh Geek Context, and it’s a great place to hear in-depth discussions of movies, television, video games, technology and lots of other cool topics. Hosts Jace (a friend of mine) and Josh were gracious enough to invite me to be their guest for...

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Give and Take in Superhero Cinema

The other day I was talking to a friend and he brought up the idea that there’s no such thing as a perfect movie, arguing that the best films have flaws that enhance them rather than sully them. In principle, I disagree with this (a Hitchens quote comes to mind: “It’s only true if you …...

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REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 1

Jessica Jones, the second of Marvel’s Netflix series to explore the darker street-level corridors of the MCU, is a surprisingly adult-themed endeavor, using the gritty world established in Daredevil as a springboard to tell a story of victimization and how different people survive it in different ...

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REVIEW: Ant-Man (2015)

With Ant-Man, Marvel can place one more check in the win column. They’ve made another fun superhero adventure with a beating heart and a pair of heroes that it’s easy to root for. The film stumbles here and there, and it isn’t one of the better Marvel movies, but it’s still a total blast of ...

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Spy Games

*Author’s Note: Like my article on Captain America, this piece was written before I saw Avengers: Age of Ultron and I decided not to alter it to accommodate that film.* Starting with Iron Man back in 2008, Marvel decided to bring the world of comic books to movie screens in a way no one had &h...

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