Today, Netflix released a new trailer for Disenchantment Part 5. This batch of episodes will complete the Matt Groening show’s story. The Simpsons and Futurama creator’s animated fantasy series featuring a rebellious fairytale princess (Abbi Jacobson), an amiable demon (Eric André), and a naïv...
Read MoreOn Friday, January the 15th, Netflix finally released Part 3 of Disenchantment. Part 1 came out in August 2018, and Part 2 in September 2019. Overall I quite enjoyed Part 1, and it really got me invested in Bean, Elfo, and Luci. Part 2 was a little disappointing, heavy on unfunny jokes, and surprisi...
Read MoreWhile The Simpsons is a faint shadow of its former self these days (and has been for quite some time), the show’s heyday manages to transcend its disappointing legacy, shining as an indelible part of American pop culture and still entertaining while the animated sitcom has long passed its sell-by ...
Read MoreWhen I finished watching Disenchantment Part 1 last August, I was on pins and needles to see where the remainder of the season would take Bean and her friends. What was Dagmar up to, and when would Bean find out? Was Elfo really dead? Who were the two creepy people watching Bean? Suffice it to &hell...
Read More“I want to get rid of all the diseases plaguing mankind… and replace them with worse ones.” Matt Groening’s newest adult cartoon series, Disenchantment, has so far been receiving mixed reviews and garnering a lot of unfair comparisons to The Simpsons and Futurama. Personally, I f...
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