Marvel might be done releasing movies in 2018, but they’re making sure the MCU stays on everyone’s minds as Entertainment Weekly has just released a series of pictures from the set of next year’s Captain Marvel. Brie Larson, who plays Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel in the film, tease...
Read MoreOne of the most appealing things about superheroes is the element of fantasy; they are, essentially, wish fulfillment, vehicles through which downtrodden, imperfect people like us can imagine having the ability to right all the wrongs in our lives, to save the day while making ourselves a little hap...
Read MoreMarvel Studios has had a tremendous 2018, with Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War becoming its two biggest domestic hits yet (the latter its biggest worldwide). On the heels of those two blockbusters comes Ant-Man and the Wasp, a much lighter, lower-key superhero movie that serves as a respite...
Read MoreGeeks + Gamers is once again spreading its wings. As with Doctor Strange, I appeared on the Fresh Geek Context podcast to discuss Avengers: Infinity War (among other topics) with hosts Jace and Josh. It’s a great show that talks about all sorts of fun, geeky subjects, and you should consider liste...
Read More***SPOILER FREE*** 10 years and 18 movies later, Marvel Studios has done what no other movie franchise in history has been able to pull off successfully: a series of films with a disparate group of characters, continuously linked together through different stories, each film leading to one gigantic ...
Read More“Marvel has a villain problem.” You’ve heard this countless times when discussing the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with plenty of examples pointing to the lack of quality heavies menacing the Avengers and their cohorts. Is it true? Well, yes and no. It isn’t Marvel so much as Hollywood itself ...
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