On Wednesday, September 29th, Disney put out a new trailer for their upcoming animated fantasy adventure Encanto. Set in an enchanted, fictionalized Columbia, this is the story of Mirabel Madrigal (Stephanie Beatriz), the only normal member of her family. The Madrigal home is brimming with magic tha...
Read MoreVivo is a new Sony Pictures Animation feature that came out on Netflix on Friday, August 6th. With songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda and a screenplay by Quiara Alegría Hudes (In the Heights) and director Kirk DeMicco (The Croods), Vivo is Sony’s first animated musical. Sony Pictures Animation has a spo...
Read MoreLin-Manuel Miranda arrived and promptly made a name for himself with 2008’s Tony-winning musical In the Heights, but he was just getting started. Miranda’s second Broadway sensation has become synonymous with the man himself and further develops some of the themes from In the Heights while explo...
Read MoreIn a recent Instagram post, actress Halle Bailey shared a photo of herself in costume for The Little Mermaid. Announcing filming has wrapped on the Disney remake, she discusses the difficulties of filming during a pandemic, as well as the opportunity to have “experienced (the film) in all its ...
Read MoreOn Thursday, July 8, Disney revealed the first trailer for Encanto. Previously announced at Disney’s investor day, Encanto takes place in Colombia and follows the ordinary daughter of a magical family, Mirabel. That’s really all we can glean from the trailer, too; it gives off a vibe for...
Read MoreLast week, I talked about the recent backlash against Lin Manuel-Miranda. His appearances and creations for Broadway, movies, and television prior to Hamilton spanning nearly two decades seemed to inspire a mixture of admiration and indifference. But after Hamilton hit Broadway, and again once it we...
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