Tag: Nerdrotic

The Critical Drinker Talks Movies, Star Wars, and Soccer with Will Cain

Will Cain downed some drinks with Will Jordan… well, not really, but we can assume the Drinker had a few adult beverages on hand. The erstwhile Critical Drinker appeared on The Will Cain Show – where Gary from Nerdrotic guested in May – to talk about the movie industry and what’s wrong with...

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Gary From Nerdrotic Chats with Glenn Beck

First Fox News, then Piers Morgan, and now, the Fellowship is talking to Glenn Beck. Gary of Nerdrotic appeared on Beck’s radio show to talk about Disney, Star Wars, and Disney Star Wars, specifically everyone’s favorite new show, The Acolyte, plus some Doctor Who for good measure. You can see ...

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Entertainment Media Attacks Nerdrotic, The Critical Drinker, and Fans in General Over The Acolyte

The entertainment media is taking up defensive positions around The Acolyte, and they’re coming for anyone who doesn’t like it… which appears to be pretty much everyone outside of the entertainment media. Looper targeted Nerdrotic and the Critical Drinker in a video which has since been taken ...

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Possible Former Lucasfilm Employee Talks Star Wars, The Acolyte, and Lucasfilm Agenda

We may have some inside info on the cult-like atmosphere at Lucasfilm. A YouTuber going by the name Knee Payne claims to be a former Lucasfilm employee who worked in the animation division. He mostly makes videos about cameras and filmmaking, but he occasionally talks about Lucasfilm. In a recent vi...

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The Great Spacey Debate And Gay Star Wars – Nerdrotic and the Drinker Return to Piers Morgan

Our boys are hitting the big time once again, making their rounds on the mainstream. Gary (Nerdrotic) and The Critical Drinker appeared on the most recent episode of Piers Morgan: Uncensored, this time discussing a well-known actor of old. No, it’s not Will Smith, though he was mentioned. Joking a...

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Rippaverse Dallas Meetup 2024

The Rippaverse had a VERY successful first meetup on Saturday, June eighth, at the Boozy Bird bar and restaurant in Carrollton, Texas, adding to the home run launch of Yaira #1, written by the talented Soska Sisters, who were in attendance to sign comics and greet fans. The venue was packed with man...

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