One of the most prestigious dramas on television returns with a different kind of crime narrative. American Crime Story: Impeachment chronicles the historic events surrounding Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial from the perspective of Monica Lewinsky (Beanie Feldstein), Linda Tripp (Sarah Paulso...
Read MoreBBC’s diversity chief, Miranda Wayland, claims that Idris Elba’s character in the TV series Luther “isn’t black enough to be real” because “he doesn’t have any black friends and doesn’t eat any Caribbean food.” She ended the statement by saying t...
Read MoreThe Empire has finally come for Cara Dune. In news that probably doesn’t surprise anyone, Disney and Lucasfilm have fired Gina Carano, the former mixed martial arts star and current actress who appeared on The Mandalorian. Most fans assume Carano was set to be one of the main characters in Rangers...
Read MoreLast night, I had one of those evenings where a seemingly endless number of streaming subscriptions – coupled with my considerable collection of hard copies – ironically left me unable to decide what to watch. Before resigning myself to watching Friends until I fell asleep for the zillionth time...
Read MoreThe 2020 Emmy Awards aired this Sunday, and like the rest of the world, I didn’t watch it. The Emmys never appealed to me in the same way the Oscars did (before a celebration of cinema turned into a bunch of limousine liberals trying to out-woke each other). It doesn’t feel like an event, especi...
Read More“Life imitates art” is one of those clichés that people rattle off with such regularity that one typically just nods along whenever it’s uttered. But this past year, new life has been breathed into the rote chestnut, and it’s come at the hands of the increasingly violent left. All around th...
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