Since before Obi-Wan Kenobi premiered on May 27th, there has been speculation surrounding a potential season 2. The show was conceived and marketed as a limited series, but many have wondered if the show would continue depending on numbers. Even the actors seem to be fans of the idea; Ewan McGregor...
Read MoreThe fourth installment of The Orville: New Horizons, “Gently Falling Rain,” was released onto Hulu last night. Following the slight dip in quality from last week’s “Mortality Paradox,” this week’s episode was a welcome return to form. “Gently Falling Rain” is a stellar episode of bot...
Read MoreSuperman & Lois has been speeding towards the big climax, but there’s one more episode to go, so things had to slow down a bit. “Worlds War Bizarre” acts mostly as the set-up for next week’s season finale, and as such, it’s not the most exciting episode – until the end, that is. Supe...
Read MoreRemember the Honest Trailer about Revenge of the Sith (back when they were funny)? There’s a line in it that says Revenge of the Sith is “the best Star Wars prequel by default simply because something occasionally happens.” That’s “Destined,” the third episode of Ms. Marvel, in a nutshel...
Read MoreA Deadline exclusive reveals that French actress Léa Seydoux has joined Denis Villeneuve’s Dune Part 2. Seydoux is known for her performances in films like Blue is the Warmest Color. She famously appeared in Daniel Craig’s final two James Bond installments as love interest Madeleine Swann. I...
Read More“To infinity and beyond” may be aiming a little high for Disney. Leading into the weekend, Pixar’s new animated feature, Lightyear, was projected to take in $70-85 million domestically, with a worldwide total of $135 million. Those numbers took into account things like spinoffs generally earni...
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