After nearly fourteen years since these two star-powered characters shared their final moments together, the iconic duo, The Doctor and Donna Noble, will be reuniting for a mystery project surrounding the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special, according to the BBC. At this time, nothing is known for s...
Read More***SPOILERS*** In “The Hardest Thing,” Lady Olivia’s proclamation of victory is underscored by the Core initiating its endgame plan, the plummeting red moon. Mother Olm tells Anne that if it comes down to it, she can connect directly to the power within the gems. She warns that doi...
Read MoreStart practicing your Moclan mating rituals because Hulu has released a trailer for season 3 of The Orville, which is being called The Orville: New Horizons – I suspect to attract new viewers who may be put off by the notion of catching up on previous seasons. Originally airing on Fox, home of Set...
Read MoreForget the spice mélange; Arrakis is gonna need more cowbell! Deadline has learned from sources that Christopher Walken will join the cast of Dune: Part Two. The second half of Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s seminal sci-fi novel, Dune: Part Two also stars Timothée Chalamet, R...
Read More“Funeral for a Friend,” a reference to the comic book story that chronicled the aftermath of “The Death of Superman” (as opposed to the Elton John song), is the inevitable follow-up to Frost’s death in “Death Falls.” It’s a quiet episode with very little superhero action, focusing on...
Read More*SPOILERS* In “Rescue and Search,” Bart attempts to restrain Lor-Zoz and M’comm and stop their reign of terror. However, Lor sees what he’s doing and reacts in time to regain the upper hand. The episode then cuts to Haly’s Circus, where Nightwing performs in the guise of Dan Danger. After ...
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