Tag: sci-fi

REVIEW: Eternals (2021)

If Eternals proves anything, it’s that the cosmic wing of the Marvel Cinematic Universe peaked with Thanos. This is a movie that thinks it’s much smarter than it is, content to have its soulless characters speak monotonously about ideas it has no interest in exploring. It’s pretty to look at �...

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Matt Smith Claims His Cut Character From The Rise Of Skywalker Was a “Transformative Star Wars Story Detail”

Remember how Matt Smith was supposed to appear in The Rise of Skywalker? In an interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Smith said his character was going to be a “transformative Star Wars story detail.” Sure, pal. He couldn’t name the character, which was cut from the movie before the a...

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Square-Enix Appropriately Labels Marvel’s Avengers a Disappointment… FINALLY

Square-Enix had to admit something that has been apparent to the players of Marvel’s Avengers since its release: that the game is “disappointing.” In the 2021 annual report, Yosuke Matsuda, the company president and representative director of the game, called it “an ambitious title for us in...

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Eternals Getting BOMBED by Industry Reviews Ahead of Release

Even before hitting cinemas on November 5th, Eternals is already making history as the lowest-rated film in the MCU. You hate to see it. At time of writing, Rotten Tomatoes has the film at a 58% based on 141 critic reviews, a full 8 points lower than current titleholder Thor: Dark World at 66%. Whil...

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Book of Boba Fett Trailer Establishes the New Order

Monday, November 1st, saw Disney and Lucasfilm release the first trailer for the upcoming Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett. The trailer follows the legendary bounty hunter deny being one as he navigates the politics of the criminal underworld. We get another taste of Boba’s personality as he p...

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REVIEW: Amphibia – Season 3, Episode 5, “Fixing Frobo/Anne-Sterminator”

*SPOILERS* “Fixing Frobo” opens with Polly showing Anne, Hop Pop, and Sprig the repairs she’s made to Frobo. It’s a disaster, as he still doesn’t work, and lowering him up shorts the house’s power. Polly promises to wait until they get back to Amphibia to fix Frob...

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