Tag: sci-fi

The Flash Season 5 Trailer Streaks Through Comic-Con

Marvel may have (mostly) sat out Comic-Con this year, but DC was there in force. In addition to the teases for new movies and series, attendees also saw the debut of the Flash season 5 trailer. After four years as the top-rated show on its network, the CW superhero series is still going strong, and ...

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters Trailer Premieres at Comic-Con

San Diego just became the new stomping ground for everyone’s favorite nuclear-breathed lizard as the Godzilla: King of the Monsters trailer emerged from the depths of Comic-Con. A sequel to Gareth Edwards’ 2004 Godzilla – and set in the same universe as 2016’s Kong: Skull Island – King of ...

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Putting the Super Back in Superhero

One of the most appealing things about superheroes is the element of fantasy; they are, essentially, wish fulfillment, vehicles through which downtrodden, imperfect people like us can imagine having the ability to right all the wrongs in our lives, to save the day while making ourselves a little hap...

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REVIEW: Big Hero 6: The Series – Season 1, Episodes 7 and 8, “Muirahara Woods” and “Failure Mode”

*Spoilers* In “Muirahara Woods,” the heroes catch a crook and, to celebrate, Fred suggests they all go see the new Captain Fancy movie. Everyone agrees except for Gogo, who disappears, saying that she has plans. Wanting to know where she slips off to from time to time, Fred and Hiro decide to fo...

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REVIEW: Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Marvel Studios has had a tremendous 2018, with Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War becoming its two biggest domestic hits yet (the latter its biggest worldwide). On the heels of those two blockbusters comes Ant-Man and the Wasp, a much lighter, lower-key superhero movie that serves as a respite...

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REVIEW: Meet the Robinsons (2007)

After 2005’s Chicken Little, some major changes were set to take place at Walt Disney Feature Animation. Disney’s initial agreement with Pixar had expired and they elected to purchase the animation powerhouse, with John Lasseter becoming chief creative officer for both studios. The production of...

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