Tag: sci-fi

REVIEW: Lost in Space – Season 1, Episode 2 “Diamonds in the Sky”

“I think he’s all alone, or else he wouldn’t have needed me to help him.” Episode 2 of Lost in Space opens with Dr. Smith and Ignacio Serricchio’s Don West trapped in their crashed ship and attempting escape. Meanwhile, the Robinsons are trying to learn more about Will’s robot wh...

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REVIEW: Lost in Space – Season 1, Episode 1 “Impact” (2018)

“There is a rule written in stone and it is never broken: the Robinsons stick together. “ Lost in Space was originally a 1965 action-comedy series inspired by the 1812 novel The Swiss Family Robinson. It inspired a movie in 1998 and now Netflix has rebooted the series again. *Spoilers* In the pi...

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REVIEW: Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)

Pacific Rim: Uprising is the sequel to the 2013 film, and is directed by Steven S. DeKnight, starring John Boyega, Scott Eastwood, and Cailee Spaeny. The story of Uprising takes place a decade after the first film. The Kaiju portals are closed and the world is moving towards unmanned Jaegers for def...

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Star Wars Battlefront II is Getting an Overhaul

Star Wars Battlefront II was released this past November to a lot of mixed feelings. In my review, I was rather positive overall but one of my issues with the game was the progression system. Earning star cards through loot crates wasn’t the way to go, and DICE will be implementing a new system th...

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“Every Word of What You Just Said is Wrong”

Since I wrote down my own feelings about the movie, The Last Jedi has caused quite a stir. It has its ardent defenders (Ty Rothermal and Mike Kaye among them), but a sizeable chunk of the fandom is really not happy with it, or the direction in which the Star Wars franchise is headed, cinematically &...

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A Wrinkle in Time Needed a Wrinkle in the Script

Today my husband and I took my sisters to see A Wrinkle in Time, Disney’s latest live action offering. There’s a lot to enjoy in the film, but like my colleague Musa and many other reviewers have said, it doesn’t ultimately live up to the messages it’s trying to convey. Rather than simply re...

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