Today, Disney released the second trailer for Strange World, their upcoming animated feature. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Lucy Liu, Dennis Quaid, and more, Strange World tells the story of a family of adventurers who venture beyond the world they know. This newest trailer shows that Liu’s char...
Read recently sat down with Adria Arjona to discuss her role in the upcoming Disney+ Star Wars series Andor. Known for her roles in films like Morbius and 6 Underground, Arjona will play a character named Bix Caleen in Andor. Caleen will be one of Cassian’s closest confidantes in...
Read MoreThe final days of the king of the desolation that is Doctor Who, Chris Chibnall, are rapidly approaching. The last episode of the first female Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker, who we’ll lovingly call Doctor Karen, is mere weeks away. Chibnall will soon give up his crown and hand the wasteland he...
Read MoreThe D23 festivities continued today with various Star Wars announcements and releases, not the least of which was the Mandalorian season 3 trailer! Check it out here: I believe this is the same trailer that leaked at Star Wars Celebration earlier this year. Regardless, it looks great. I love seein...
Read MoreAt last, we have official casting for the role of Ezra Bridger in the upcoming Ahsoka series. Ezra was the youthful lead in Star Wars Rebels, with that show’s epilogue laying the groundwork for a reunion of that character with Ahsoka Tano and former fellow Ghost crewmember Sabine. Fans have l...
Read MoreAccording to Deadline, Squid Game star Lee Jung-jae has found his next significant role, this time in Disney+ Star Wars series The Acolyte. Leslye Headland’s High Republic-set series already has Amandla Stenberg and Jodie Turner-Smith among its cast. Jung-jae will star along with Stenberg as...
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