Before Joby Harold wrote the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, the concept existed as a movie written by Hossein Amini and Stephen Daldry. Now, a writer named Stuart Beattie has come forward in an interview with The Direct to reveal that he wrote a screenplay for the first film in a planned Obi-Wan Kenobi tr...
Read MoreNext year’s Christmas Season will feature lights from the Ecto-1. Sony has announced the release date for the Ghostbusters: Afterlife sequel – which is currently being called Firehouse – and it will hit theaters on December 20, 2023. Following last fall’s hit reboot/sequel/essentially a rema...
Read MoreWestworld is quite possibly the most frustrating show on TV right now. Obi-Wan Kenobi was an exercise in fruitless hope, but Westworld was easily my favorite season of TV in 2016. I thought season 2 was great, for the most part, and certainly much better than some people would have you believe....
Read MoreWatch enough movies, and you’ll start to see strange thematic bedfellows. I finally caught Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness a few weeks ago in an attempt to learn one or two plot points and guest appearances from the film itself rather than Twitter. (There’s currently a pool going on ...
Read More**SPOILERS** “Herogasm” finds the Deep, Ashley and Homelander discovering that Soldierboy lives. Soldierboy agreed to help kill Homelander if the Boys find the rest of Payback. Kimiko is kidnapped. The Deep tells Homelander about Noir’s disappearance and where he thinks Soldierboy is headed. H...
Read MoreWith only two episodes to go – or one two-part episode, depending on how you view these things – The Flash finally kicks the season’s main story back into gear with “Negative, Part 1.” Revelations and shocking moments abound, but it’s also a narrative mess, spewing exposition so rapidly ...
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