In case you found She-Hulk: Attorney at Law too subtle, the three main creatives behind the show would love to tell you how much they hate you. In an interview with Variety, She-Hulk showrunner Jessica Gao, director Kat Coiro, and star Tatiana Maslany shared their disdain for Marvel fans and the ple...
Read More“Whose Show is This?” is so bad I’m tempted to say it has to be seen to be believed, but recommending someone watch this show is tantamount to committing a war crime. She-Hulk’s season finale takes shots at Marvel fans, Marvel movies, Kevin Feige, and its own writers, while embarrassing a ho...
Read MoreHow bad is She-Hulk? So bad it screws up its main selling point, which it pretends isn’t its main selling point by constantly having Jen deny it. So bad it makes jokes about how poorly it’s written. So bad it breezes haphazardly through scenes revolving around one of the key attributes of its ma...
Read MoreI didn’t think She-Hulk could get much worse after last week’s disaster, but Jessica Gao and her crack team proved I was selling them short. “Just Jen” takes all of the show’s worst impulses and amplifies them, sapping what little charm may have been in the lead character and dropping her ...
Read More“Mean, Green, and Poured Straight into These Jeans” may be the worst episode of She-Hulk (so far; we’ve got four more of these suckers to go). The woke feminist stuff is present, though not as abrasively as in, say, the pilot, and it’s got plenty of bad plotting and character work to complem...
Read MoreThe recent Marvel D23 panel was underwhelming, to say the least. Marvel Studios didn’t confirm any major casting like those rumored for Fantastic Four, roles for Henry Cavill or John Boyega. The grand total of the public revelations boils down to a few posters, confirmation of previously e...
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