Tag: Social Media

Howard Stern and Cenk Uygur Take Shots at Joe Rogan

Despite losing relevance and facing plummeting search traffic since exclusively broadcasting on Spotify, Joe Rogan has found himself the “prettiest girl at the dance.” Specifically, he’s catching the ire of two of the biggest ghouls in media, Howard Stern and Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks....

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LeBron James vs. Mike Tyson: Is This The Worst Sports Take in History?

 If DunkTopic wanted a hit tweet, they got it. The Twitter account posed the question, “Who do you got?” with an image of LeBron James going up against “Iron” Mike Tyson in a boxing match in his prime.  https://twitter.com/DunkTopic/status/1422580790936883200?s=20 It’...

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Ryan Kinel’s Real Name: Limmis

JUST IN: Ryan Kinel’s real name was revealed last Tuesday during an Among Us stream (Tuesday, July 20th, 2021). Those of you who know the game will know that when you join in on Among Us, you are required to put in your name before playing. Ryan entered the room as “Limmis.” Most of the &helli...

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“This Is Not True” Legally Blonde Writer Slaps Down Retroactive LGBTQ “Insinuation”

Legally Blonde writer Karen McCullah has been active on Twitter slapping down rumors and the “insinuation” of an alternate LGBTQ storyline in the movie.  On the 20th anniversary of the movie, an oral history was published in the New York Times. McCullah tweeted the original article...

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Universal Orlando Trolls Star Wars

Hey everyone! Tuggs here. So. If you haven’t been following Universal Orlando’s Twitter account, boy, are you missing out! With witty replies like this: Ouch. SAVAGE. Sorry, Leo. And sound advice like this: It’s pretty easy to see why they’re my favorite theme park Twitter ac...

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Twitter White Knights Against Sexy Female Comic Characters

Most anyone who has been a comic book fan since the 1990s has at least heard of Jeff Scott Campbell and seen his work. Known for his original works Danger Girl and Gen13, Campbell has used his unique style to great effect and acclaim within the industry. He is now regarded as one of the …

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