Tag: Social Media

That Star Wars Girl’s YouTube Channel Mistakenly Demonetized

One of the Fandom Menace’s most important YouTube creators experienced a bit of a crisis this week. Anna, better known by her YouTube moniker “That Star Wars Girl,” was searching for more information on the YouTube Partner Program when she mistakenly clicked on what she thought to be a link to...

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Kevin Hart Steps Down as Oscar Host

Well, that was fast. Two days after he announced he would host the 2019 Academy Awards ceremony, comedian Kevin Hart has “resigned” from the prestigious gig. This comes amid a controversy over some tweets and stand-up comedy bits about homosexuality deemed offensive by the usual “They” and t...

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St. Jude Denied Livestream Money Amid Controversy

The pen really must be mightier than the sword, because it doesn’t even have to be unsheathed to cause harm. In preparing – specifically, in reaching out for comments concerning – an article about alt-right (whatever that means anymore) YouTube videos, and in particular their use of Super Chat...

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