Tag: star wars

An Interview With MyNerdyHome, AKA Steph

I recently had the privilege to sit and chat with MyNerdyHome, aka Steph, and pester her. Blabbering Collector:  How did you get into Geeks + Gamers? Steph: I found G+G through EFAP. And from EFAP, I found WorldClassBullshitters, and from there, I found G+G, and from G+G, I found basically everyone...

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Skeleton Crew Budget Higher than Mandalorian, Receives California Filming Credit

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the upcoming Star Wars series Skeleton Crew has a budget of nearly $136 million, substantially more than season 1 of The Mandalorian ($100 million). They also report that the show is among productions chosen by the state of California to receive tax credits, e...

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RUMOR: The Acolyte is in Pre-Production

According to The Bespin Bulletin, The Acolyte has entered pre-production. Leslye Headland’s High Republic-based Disney+ Star Wars show remains one of Lucasfilm’s more mysterious projects. Rumors have swirled around the possible inclusion of Darth Plagueis and other big-time Sith Lords; supposedl...

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The Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer Leaked!

A couple of months after Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, the Mandalorian season 3 trailer shown at the event has leaked online. As promised, we get to see Babu Frik, everyone’s favorite Rise of Skywalker character. I’m not even being sarcastic. The trailer shows glimpses of Bo-Katan, the A...

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Eric July Beats Star Wars

As we celebrate Eric July’s success with the Rippaverse ($1,121,477.37 and counting!), there’s a funny wrinkle to this story that makes his triumph even more satisfying. Toy company Hasbro had a similar crowdfunding campaign, this one for a “Star Wars The Black Series Reva (The Third Sister) F...

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An Interview With Raging Ryno

I sat down with Raging Ryno and had a chat about Star Wars, YouTube, and more. Blabbering Collector: Why did you get into YouTube? Raging Ryno: That’s quite a question. It took me a long time to actually commit to YouTube. I wanted to do it, but there is actually taking that leap and doing &he...

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