This Christmas, DC Animation is giving us a gift that will make us wish for coal. Amazon has released a trailer for Merry Little Batman, an upcoming animated Christmas movie set in the DC Universe. Merry Little Batman finds Damian Wayne left alone at Christmastime while Batman responds to a Justice...
Read MoreThe Marvels did what everyone expected it to do and bombed. In its opening weekend, the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe film debuted with $47 million domestically and $110.3 million internationally. This is the lowest opening weekend take for an MCU movie, underperforming The Incredible Hulk’s...
Read MoreYou’re not going to believe it, but a Marvel movie is reportedly in trouble! On this week’s episode of The Hot Mic, Jeff Sneider said that he’s heard from his sources that Captain America: Brave New World, which has completed filming, “did not do great in a test screening” and is losing �...
Read MoreThe Marvels isn’t good, but it’s not quite as bad as I thought it would be. If we’re playing MCU Russian Roulette, I’d rather watch this than Eternals, Thor: Love and Thunder, or Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. But it’s still a pretty lousy movie, another slapped-together afterthought ...
Read MoreMarvel has been in the news so much lately – but not because of anything they’re releasing – that it was only a matter of time before someone asked Kevin Feige about it. That someone turned out to be Ash Crossan of Entertainment Tonight, who spent a few minutes questioning the Marvel Studios p...
Read MoreIn one last, desperate attempt to get people to see one of the most unanticipated movies ever made, Marvel has released a final trailer for The Marvels a couple of days before it opens. Directed by Nia DaCosta, The Marvels sees Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Monica Rambeau team up when they sudden...
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