When a mission is too impossible for stunts alone, you call in The Expendables! Lionsgate has released a trailer for Expendables 4, which is officially titled Expend4bles because movies are named by twelve-year-olds now (See the Fast and Furious series and its inexplicable title scheme). Expend4bles...
Read MoreSylvester Stallone is going mountain climbing again. The action star is set to return in a sequel to Cliffhanger, one of his 90s action movies. Directed by the great Renny Harlin, Cliffhanger starred Stallone as a mountain rescue ranger with a troubled past who gets trapped on a mountain with a team...
Read MoreSly is coming back to Amazon. Deadline exclusively reports that Amazon Studios has acquired the rights to Never Too Old to Die, a script by Brian Otting that’s being produced by Balboa Productions, with Sylvester Stallone intending to star. Never Too Old to Die will feature Stallone as a former Co...
Read MoreCreed III is a movie, and simply that. It’s not a bad movie or a good one. It is not thought-provoking or profound, and it isn’t unique in any way. It merely exists. Compared to many other films in theaters, Creed III is not a bad choice for an entertainment experience if someone has ...
Read MoreToday, Regal released the first trailer for Creed 3, the first Rocky universe movie without Rocky. This movie looks to focus on an old childhood friend of Adonis coming back into his life. After kicking ass and taking names in the boxing world, Adonis must fight to keep his glorious life and caree...
Read MoreSylvester Stallone is stomping onto another streaming service. A trailer for the upcoming Paramount+ series Tulsa King was released earlier today. Created by Taylor Sheridan, writer of Sicario, Hell or High Water, and Yellowstone, Tulsa King stars Stallone as a Mafia capo who gets out of prison only...
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