Star Wars: Visions is an anthology series set in the Star Wars galaxy. The episodes were created by several different Japanese animation studios to infuse the world of Star Wars with the look and feel of anime. The episodes are more like vignettes, each telling a short, self-contained story with see...
Read MoreJust over a month from the premiere of Star Wars: Visions on Disney+, Lucasfilm has released the final trailer in both English and Japanese. The English and Japanese voice casts have also been revealed. The anthology series’ English cast will feature Star Wars veterans like Andrew Kishino (Saw Ger...
Read More*SPOILERS FOR THE MANDALORIAN FINALE* On Monday, Jon Favreau appeared on Good Morning America to expand on The Mandalorian’s post-credits scene. In the clip, Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) kills Bib Fortuna and assumes Jabba the Hutt’s former throne on Tattooine, Ming-Na Wen’s Fennec...
Read More*SPOILERS* This week on The Mandalorian, Mando rounds up a crew to save Grogu from Moff Gideon. He and Cara take out the pilots of an Imperial landing craft, taking Dr. Pershing captive for information. Then Mando and Boba seek out Bo-Katan and her followers for help. When she initially scoffs at th...
Read More*SPOILERS* In “The Believer,” Mando and friends head to a New Republic prison to get Mayfeld (Bill Burr) out. Cara uses her station within the Republic to take him into her custody and, while he is initially reluctant to help Mando, his knowledge of the Empire proves useful. They go to t...
Read More*SPOILERS* “The Tragedy” finds Mando practicing with Grogu and the ball. He tells Grogu he must go with the Jedi if one comes to him. They arrive at the temple ruins on Tython, and Mando places the baby in the middle, just like Ahsoka said. But as soon as the baby activates the seeing stone, &he...
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