Tag: That Park Place

Possible Former Lucasfilm Employee Talks Star Wars, The Acolyte, and Lucasfilm Agenda

We may have some inside info on the cult-like atmosphere at Lucasfilm. A YouTuber going by the name Knee Payne claims to be a former Lucasfilm employee who worked in the animation division. He mostly makes videos about cameras and filmmaking, but he occasionally talks about Lucasfilm. In a recent vi...

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Disney World Guest Claims Evil Queen was Played By a Biological Man

If the female Silver Surfer didn’t convince you that Bob Iger doesn’t intend to stop Disney’s pushing of identity politics, this might do it. That Park Place has heard from someone who told them that Disney World has a man playing the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The accoun...

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Games Journalists Attack Gamers and Mark Kern

If you want to know how the recent reaction from gamers over the woke influence in video games – GamerGate 2, if you want to call it that – is going, take a look at the reaction from games journalists. They’re attacking gamers and Mark Kerns, the former Blizzard producer who goes by Grummz on ...

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RUMOR: Details on Disney World’s Magic Kingdom Expansion “Beyond Big Thunder Mountain”

Some details about Disney World’s planned expansion of The Magic Kingdom may have just leaked. Mickey Views has heard from its “trusted sources” that the project, which is being called Beyond Big Thunder Mountain, is going to remove Frontier Land from the park and replace it with three other �...

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That Park Place Responds to Black Girl Gamers’ Cease and Desist Letter

Remember when Black Girl Gamers threatened legal action against The Park Place over its reporting of their hiring practices? They followed through, sending a cease and desist letter through their legal representatives, Morris, Currin & O’Keefe, P.C. You can see a breakdown of their demands in ...

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Black Girl Gamers Threatens Legal Action Over Claims of Discrimination

Another video game consulting firm may be edging Sweet Bay Inc. out of the spotlight. Attention is now shifting to Black Girl Gamers, the group whose response to criticism spurred BBC game commentator Jules Hardy to ask that the video game community have a “final purge” and “full detox” of e...

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