“Fear Me” is The Flash at its most mediocre. It isn’t as abysmally bad as some of the worst episodes, but it doesn’t break any new ground either. It sheds new light on Caitlin and Frost, but it says things about Barry we already knew, and it’s saddled with a derivative villain that isn’t...
Read MoreOfficially, “Central City Strong” is the fourth episode of The Flash’s seventh season, but it was supposed to be the season premiere, and it shows. This week deals with the fallout from the Mirrorverse arc and acts mainly as a checkpoint for the characters to get them back on superhero track. ...
Read MoreWhen I saw Justice League in theaters back in 2017, I liked it fine. It feels like an eternity has passed since then for a number of reasons, not the least of which being that the past year has felt like a decade. The first week or so after seeing the original Justice League cut, …
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“Mother,” the season finale that is no longer a season finale but still feels like a season finale, is the perfect encapsulation of The Flash in its later seasons. Parts of it are great and harken back to the best of the show’s heyday; other parts are bad, tedious, and make you check your watc...
Read MoreAfter last week’s episode made me wonder why I keep watching The Flash, “The Speed of Thought” reminded me. This give and take has been going on for the last few seasons, and while it’s frustrating, the good stuff makes it worth sticking out, at least for me. There are still some stumbles, b...
Read MoreHere’s a story to make you smile. Yesterday, Monday, March 9, people who selected Tom & Jerry on HBO Max were instead treated to the Snyder Cut of Justice League. There’s no word on how the mix-up happened, but it was corrected fairly quickly, and viewers were only able to see part of the fo...
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