“His name is Wally West—and he was the Fastest Man Alive. That is until the Multiverse was rewritten without him or his family in it. Wally returned and tried to make it work, but the damage was done. Spinning out of the events of HEROES IN CRISIS, follow the man who called himself Flash on &hel...
Read More*SPOILERS* As typical for a penultimate episode, this week set up the impending season finale to have an immense amount to cover and wrap up. “The Girl with the Red Lightning” impresses upon our heroes the task of stopping Cicada II/Crazy Future Grace from murdering every metahuman in Central Ci...
Read More*SPOILERS* When we last left our heroes, Nora had been channeling her… negative emotions involving her father dumping her back in the future and his seeming unwillingness to forgive her deception in working with Eobard Thawne. Now that Nora is running using Thawne’s Negative Speed Force, she’s...
Read More*SPOILERS* The Flash’ writers seem pretty intent on adding more elements from the comic book source material this season (whether they accurately follow it is another matter entirely). Last week they gave us an interesting look at speedster villain Godspeed. This week, in the episode titled �...
Read More*SPOILERS* As with its more grounded counterpart, Arrow, The Flash was back this week with a few surprises and revelations regarding Nora and her involvement with Eobard Thawne. I’m going to get this out of the way before I get into the actual meat and potatoes of the show: I simultaneously absolu...
Read More*SPOILERS* This week’s episode of The Flash, “Time Bomb,” is brought to you by a very angry young woman – Grace from the future, who has come back to the present timeline to kill the meta who killed her parents, as well as to convince her uncle Orlin to work with her. Thanks to the efforts ...
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