During an interaction with a fan on Twitter, Dwayne Johnson announced that Black Adam will begin production in July 2020. The film has a rumored release of spring 2021, alongside The Suicide Squad and The Batman later in the year, bringing 2021’s total DC film releases to three. The movie, bas...
Read MoreAdventure awaits as the first trailer for Jungle Cruise has gone online. The Adventureland adaptation is being directed by Juame Collet-Serra and written by Michael Green, John Requa, Glenn Ficara, and Lord of the Rings showrunners Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne. The Jungle Cruise trailer opens with E...
Read MoreI think the best thing I can say for Hobbs & Shaw, the spinoff of the tried and true (in terms of box office, anyway) Fast and Furious movies, is that you probably already know whether or not you’ll like it. If Jason Statham and the Rock pounding bad guys into the dirt for two …
The Fast and Furious franchise is going to be revving its engine without one of its key auspices. The Hollywood Reporter informs us that Neal Moritz, the man behind all the Fast and Furious films via his Original Film banner, has been taken off the franchise due to a legal dispute with Universal. Th...
Read MoreIt’s been two and a half months since the first Hobbs & Shaw trailer, which means it’s about time for Universal to release another glimpse at the Fast and Furious spinoff, just in case there’s anyone who wasn’t sold on the concept the first time but could still be swayed. There’s plent...
Read MoreIn the summer of 2006, my camp decided that, due to the heat, we were going to the movies instead of the pool. Usually, I’d take a movie any day of the week, but when they told us it was The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, I wasn’t too happy. Oh sure, I knew …