Justice is coming for your television as Amazon has released a trailer for its upcoming series Reacher. Based on Lee Child’s novels, Reacher follows former military police officer Jack Reacher as he wanders America, getting mixed up in crime and mysteries everywhere he settles. The first season wi...
Read MoreIn case you didn’t know, May 13th is also known as Top Gun Day, in which fans come together to celebrate the film. We have watch parties, only talk in quotes from the movie (will saying to your BFF “Talk to me Goose” ever get old? Absolutely not.), and just spend all day talking ab...
Read MoreDoug Liman is about to join Tom Cruise in outer space. Deadline reports that the Bourne Identity director will be directing his Edge of Tomorrow star in his revolutionary film that will take this filmmaking duo to the stars. Liman has been involved with the movie since the beginning and has already ...
Read MoreTom Cruise is going from the Danger Zone to outer space. According to a Deadline exclusive, the Top Gun star has teamed with billionaire CEO of Space X Elon Musk and NASA on an action-adventure film that will be the first narrative feature shot in space. Given the outlandish nature of this story, th...
Read MoreIt’s time to ride into the danger zone as the new trailer for Top Gun: Maverick has flown online. Directed by Tron: Legacy filmmaker Joe Kosinski with a script by Peter Craig, Justin Marks, Eric Warren Singer, and frequent Tom Cruise collaborator Christopher McQuarrie, Top Gun: Maverick brings bac...
Read MoreAs another big Hollywood merger looms, we could see more multi-platform franchises in the near future. Once Viacom – which owns Paramount – and CBS are one, all elements of Star Trek will be owned by one mega-corporation, meaning there will be no more rules about which characters can be used whe...
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