Amazon is wading into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Today, the streamer released a trailer for Fallout, the upcoming adaptation of the popular video game series. Written by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, Fallout follows a group of characters 200 years after a nuclear war turned the world into a waste...
Read MoreToday, Amazon Prime Video released a trailer for The Boys season 4. This follows the conclusion of spin-off series Gen V season 1 and the cameos Billy Butcher (Karl Urban) and Homelander (Antony Starr) had there. Check out the new teaser here: The new season will feature new supes Firecracker (Val...
Read MoreMarvel doesn’t care if you’re tired of Kamala Khan. In an interview with The Direct, Ms. Marvel actress Iman Vellani talked about the upcoming Disney+ animated series Marvel Zombies, and she revealed that Kamala will be the lead. “There are a lot of cool characters in the Marvel Zombies show. ...
Read MorePeacock has released a trailer for Ted, the upcoming prequel series to the two comedy films Ted and Ted 2. Ted (the show; I really wish they’d stop naming different movies and shows in a series the exact same thing) finds John Bennett, the character played by Mark Wahlberg in the films, in high ...
Read MoreThe Boys is becoming a franchise. This year saw the spin-off series Gen V, which followed an animated show called The Boys: Diabolical. Now, Deadline has learned that another spin-off is being developed, this one called The Boys: Mexico. The executive producers of The Boys, Eric Kripke, Seth Rogen,...
Read MoreTurkey Day is over, so it’s time to switch to cooking goose, and Doctor Who’s is in the oven. The Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special debuted the first of its three episodes on Disney+ on Saturday, and it’s what a lot of people probably expected if the scenes making the rounds on Twitter are...
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