Fortiche Production SAS, the French animation studio behind the excellent Netflix sci-fi series Arcane (which is based on the League of Legends video game universe), tweeted a short animation of Jinx, one of the main characters in Arcane, today, with the caption “November 2024.” This indic...
Read MoreThe Dragon Prince season 6 has been confirmed to drop in 2024 on Netflix. This book is named Stars, which was revealed at 2023’s New York Comic Con. There is another Dragon Prince-related announcement coming at 4 PM ET, but curiously, it’s not about Books 6 or 7. They also released this gorgeo...
Read MoreMarvel has been in the news so much lately – but not because of anything they’re releasing – that it was only a matter of time before someone asked Kevin Feige about it. That someone turned out to be Ash Crossan of Entertainment Tonight, who spent a few minutes questioning the Marvel Studios p...
Read MoreIf you need a shot of testosterone after spending November with The Marvels (assuming you’re one of the few people who’s going to watch it), Jack Reacher’s got you covered. Today, Amazon released a trailer for season 2 of its action series Reacher. Based on the long-running series of novels b...
Read MoreMarvel is looking to uncomplicate the increasingly complicated MCU. Well, not exactly; they’re mostly trying to get people to watch their content again. But they have a new idea about how to do it. While screening the first two episodes of Echo at the Choctaw Nation’s annual powwow, Marvel unve...
Read MoreThe first season of Gen V has been crazy so far. From blood-bending to making friends forget about major developments, it’s been quite a ride. The finale, “Guardians of Godolkin,” has been reported to lead directly into The Boys season 4. I’m a week behind, so I’ll ...
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