Practice your manners, and don’t plan on fleeing any interviews because FX has released a trailer for the fifth season of Fargo. Season 5 of the anthology series, a sort of spin-off of the classic film from the Coen Brothers, revolves around a Midwestern housewife named Dot with a secret past, an...
Read More“Immortimus Patrol ” is a musical-holiday episode. Immortimus is everyone’s favorite holiday, a special day to spend with family, being thankful for the great Immortus and all she has given. The antics reveal greater chemistry between Casey and Jane, even if the former doesn’...
Read MoreBefore we really get into it, I just wanted to express my cautious excitement at Gen V’s renewal at Amazon Prime Video. I’m enjoying the show so far and doubt the next three episodes will bring a solid overall conclusion. I’m glad to hear that they’re already planning the next season. What...
Read MoreI’ve never talked much about Bosch: Legacy or its beloved, long-running predecessor, Bosch, much before. I never expected to get into a police drama and, in fact, didn’t know about the show until my husband got into it a year or so ago. I have a weird relationship with the series bec...
Read MoreIs Marvel cutting more of its Disney+ fat? Joanna Robinson seems to think so, and she’s heard it from a few sources. The co-author of MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios (with Dave Gonzales and Gavin Edwards) appeared on the podcast The Watch (where she also talked about Marvel’s plans to use Ave...
Read MoreIf for no other reason, “1893” is probably the best episode of Loki’s second season (so far) because it actually moves the plot forward. The plot isn’t great, and the show is still a chore to sit through, but halfway through this run, there is finally momentum. There are some good ideas, t...
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