Based on the novel Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine, American Horror Story: Delicate follows Anna Victoria Alcott (Emma Roberts), a woman desperate to have a baby. The trailers and posters have been nothing if not cryptic, hinting only at the involvement of spiders and pregnancy. AHS and...
Read MoreDaredevil: Born Again is a cash grab in more ways than one. Steven DeKnight, the showrunner of Daredevil’s first season following Drew Goddard’s departure after episode 4 (and, back when used his middle initial, a writer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, as was Goddard), recently retweete...
Read More***SPOILERS*** In “Far, Far Away,” Ahsoka and Huyang continue the voyage to the other galaxy. Meanwhile, Balon, Shin, and Morgan are met by a native coven of Nightsisters. They lock Sabine away in their temple, sensing Jedi influence in her. Grand Admiral Thrawn finally makes his appeara...
Read MoreOver the past couple of weeks, two celebrities announced that they would be bringing back their talk shows amid the writers’ strike, in both cases complying with WGA rules and not having scripted content. Since then, both have been brow-beaten into backing down. First, Drew Barrymore said that The...
Read MoreAs October nears, Disney is ramping up publicity for its only remaining live-action release of the year, Loki season 2. Today, that came in the form of a behind-the-scenes featurette that gives some insight into what we can expect from the story and characters in the upcoming season. Tom Hiddleston...
Read MoreBuffy the Vampire Slayer is back… kind of… and without Buffy. Entertainment Weekly exclusively reports that a sequel to the hit TV series called Slayers: A Buffyverse Story will be an audio story – which I guess is the modern version of a radio play – available on Audible starting October...
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