Tag: Twitch

The Bonus Interview: Mozza

It took one botched interview, one missed redo interview, and an intervention with the help of Lethal Lightning to finally sit Mozza down and chat with him for a second interview. What a sentence. Warning: Mozza is Australian. This interview contains very foul language. BC: What do you watch on YouT...

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An Interview With Krista Novva

Krista Novva and I finally got our lives together and sat down for a chat! Blabbering Collector: We will start off easy… who makes the best chicken nuggets? Krista: At first, for the longest time, and living in Canada… I thought it was McDonald’s. BC: Oh God, McDos? K: Yeah! But then, ...

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An Interview With MyNerdyHome, AKA Steph

I recently had the privilege to sit and chat with MyNerdyHome, aka Steph, and pester her. Blabbering Collector:  How did you get into Geeks + Gamers? Steph: I found G+G through EFAP. And from EFAP, I found WorldClassBullshitters, and from there, I found G+G, and from G+G, I found basically everyone...

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An Interview With Raging Ryno

I sat down with Raging Ryno and had a chat about Star Wars, YouTube, and more. Blabbering Collector: Why did you get into YouTube? Raging Ryno: That’s quite a question. It took me a long time to actually commit to YouTube. I wanted to do it, but there is actually taking that leap and doing &he...

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An Interview with Epic Mike of Geeks + Gamers

Epic Mike graciously decided to sit down with me and have a chat. Blabbering Collector: How did you hear about Geeks + Gamers? Epic Mike: I met Josiah around back in 2015… it was a long time ago. Anyways, years later, Josiah goes, “Hey, bro, I found this really cool group on Facebook cal...

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A Gal’s Encounter With Online Gaming

I’ve been reading a vast amount of articles about women being harassed and victimizing themselves on the internet whilst gaming. Yet, I’ll be honest, I’ve yet to encounter a single truly horrific experience, and I’ve been gaming on the internet since 2020. That’s two years, and absolutely ...

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