Tag: twitter

G4 Rids Itself of Frosk

Sometimes, even when you’re far removed from a situation, you can still appreciate someone getting what they deserve. Last week, G4TV laid off between twenty and thirty staff members amid financial difficulties. They sound like they were pretty brutal, too; according to Kotaku, people came in read...

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Gina Carano’s Twitter Account Has Been Deleted

Are they coming for Gina Carano again? The former Mandalorian actress’ Twitter account has been deleted, and it’s unclear if the overlords of the social media site did it or if Carano chose to leave. If the former, it’s almost certainly because of her role in the upcoming Breitbart film My Son...

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Warner Bros. Defends J.K. Rowling For Once

No, your eyes do not deceive you; Warner Bros. has actually come out and backed J.K. Rowling for a change! This comes after Rowling tweeted concern over The Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie being stabbed in the neck in New York. Here is Rowling’s tweet: A Twitter user then replied, “...

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Elon Musk Ends Twitter Bid

Well, it was fun while it lasted. It’s being widely reported that Elon Musk is no longer seeking to buy Twitter. Musk cites what he calls Twitter’s failure to provide adequate information on the number of bot and spam accounts plaguing the social media website. Twitter has claimed that these pho...

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Hollywood Trashed July 4th

Yesterday was Independence Day, and as usual, celebrities had to make it all about them. This year, the excuse for tarnishing the most patriotic day of the year was the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. The most prevalent was Jessica Chastain, who tweeted a picture of herself giving Amer...

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Jeremy Makes a Mistake, Still Ratios G4

So, Ryan and Drunk 3PO might be fired. I’m kidding, but they did get Jeremy into a quagmire (which he somehow managed to navigate). Three days ago, G4TV – sworn enemy of male gamers everywhere – tweeted an image asking their followers to name the best villain of all time. Above the image, they...

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