Eddie Brock is ready for one last ride with his symbiotic alter ego. Today, Sony released a trailer for Venom: The Last Dance, the third and (likely) final installment in their Venom series. This time, Venom is being hunted by the military and members of his species, who’ve traveled to Earth fro...
Read MoreThe Rippaverse is branching out, and it’s forging some prestigious business alliances. Today, Eric July’s indie comics company announced that it has partnered with McFarlane Toys for a Yaira statue. This 1:6 statue is made of resin and stands approximately 12.7 inches tall. Yaira is the star o...
Read MoreIt sounds like Tom Hardy is hanging up his symbiote. Variety reports that Sony has revealed the title of the upcoming third Venom movie; this one will be called Venom: The Last Dance. The film’s release date has also been moved up two weeks to October 25, 2024, from November 8, 2024. Not much ab...
Read MoreMadame Web’s failure may not be surprising, but the scope of its fallout is. The Hollywood Reporter has a piece on the new superhero film’s disastrous opening weekend, and watching them try to make sense of its dismal performance is funny. (“I don’t get it! They used obscure characters; th...
Read MoreThe best there is at what he does has been exposed a little early. A week ago, Insomniac Games was hacked by a group called Rhysida, who threatened to release the stolen files online unless the video game studio paid them $2 million. Insomniac declined, so the hackers followed through with their thr...
Read MoreWith the game’s release just over two weeks away, Sony is getting gamers psyched for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 by releasing a new trailer. It’s short and features no actual gameplay, but it’s got plenty of superhero action to whet the appetite of PS5 owners hungry for more Spidey. Marvel’s Sp...
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