On Monday, March 28th, actor-director Frank Oz tweeted his displeasure with the Oscars. He clarifies that his disappointment doesn’t concern recent fumbles like “the slap” but rather the general state of the event. Oz is famous for his portrayal of Yoda across the Star Wars franchise, as well ...
Read MoreHas the Academy solved the Oscars viewership problem? At last night’s event (which is barely an event anymore, something painful for a guy who used to love the Oscars to say), comedy legend Chris Rock did what comedians do as he presented an award and made jokes – and to break from the ones I &h...
Read MoreAccording to an excerpt published in People from his upcoming memoir Me, Will Smith contemplated the idea of “avenging” his mother via killing his father. I suppose that’s the fascinating thought process that would lead to the memorable crying scene in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Smith reveals th...
Read MoreIn a case of public cope, the Smiths, specifically Will, admits to being in an open relationship. It turns out that the false-positive he had for the Coof a while back wasn’t the only test he failed – the other being the Punk Test. Dollar-Store Eddie Murphy is the cover story for GQ Magazine for...
Read MoreDreamWorks Animation released two movies in 2004, and they couldn’t have been more different. Shrek 2 and Shark Tale are both animated comedies with all-star casts packed with pop culture references and adult humor. However, that’s where the similarities end. The films’ characters ...
Read MoreAnother classic is about to be modernized for the whiny crowd. Deadline reports that a Planes, Trains & Automobiles remake is in the works at Paramount, and that Will Smith and Kevin Hart will be the leads. The film will be produced by both stars’ production companies, Westbrook Studios and Ha...
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