Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is the long-awaited third installment in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance franchise. This time around, it’s been developed by Team Ninja, the developers behind Nioh, Dead or Alive, and Ninja Gaiden, and published by Nintendo exclusively on Nintendo Switch. T...
Read MoreJust as the X-Men franchise’s end comes at Fox – which, it must be emphasized, is still a label under Disney – so too is Dark Phoenix writer/director Simon Kinberg’s time on the Fox lot. Deadline reports that the filmmaker’s production company, Kinberg Genre, has left the studio af...
Read MoreAfter X-Men: The Last Stand, many people were upset with the depiction of Jean Grey’s alter ego, Dark Phoenix – none more so than the co-writer of that film, Simon Kinberg. When he had the chance to tell that story again via Dark Phoenix, this time making his directorial debut, he jumped at the ...
Read MoreWe finally have some insight into some of Matthew Vaughn’s past projects. First up is his plan for the trilogy that would have spawned from X-Men: First Class. Vaughn’s originally wanted to introduce a new Wolverine, possibly portrayed by Tom Hardy, in the first sequel, which would then culminat...
Read MoreAs I wrote in last month’s Awesome Cheese, comic book films expanded in major ways in the last decade. However, it wasn’t just The Losers that missed a step sometimes; even established franchises go down the wrong path. Such is the case for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Initially envisioned as t...
Read MoreSure to get lost in the run-up to Avengers: Endgame is the latest – and last, we can safely assume – entry in Fox’s pre-Disney X-Men franchise, Dark Phoenix (as opposed to X-Men: Dark Phoenix). It’s kind of the little movie that could, trying to put its best foot forward against a culminatio...
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