The highly anticipated sequel to 2016’s Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, was released into theaters this weekend, bringing along with it all the typical Marvel fanfare. This film marks the third first introduction of the multiverse to the MCU, contradicting all the prio...
Read MoreWoke on woke crime has come for the production of Doctor Strange 2 in the form of a myriad of Twitter attacks directed at 15-year-old actress Xochitl Gomez, who will be playing America Chavez. These rampantly hateful attacks have been hurled at Gomez for “Light-washing America Chavez.” The major...
Read MoreA week ago, during some football game or other, Disney and Marvel revealed the official trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. A sequel to 2016’s Doctor Strange – and Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Avengers: Endgame, and WandaVision, and pretty much all the Marvel stuff – Multi...
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