Yesterday, Disney and Lucasfilm released another trailer for the upcoming animated Star Wars series Tales of the Empire. This is another of the 30-second clips they love to put out, this one called “Revenge.” This clip focuses mainly on Barriss’ recruitment into the Empire, although at the end, we get the scene with Thrawn and Morgan Elsbeth again. Check it out here:
The Morgan footage is reused, so I will focus on the Barriss Offee storyline. That’s what most of us are excited to see in this series, anyway. All we really see here is that Barriss is recruited into the Inquisitorius by Fourth Sister, a background character from Obi-Wan Kenobi. Barriss is given a lightsaber and forced to spar with the Grand Inquisitor. Regardless of what we saw in Kenobi, anyone who watched Rebels knows he is actually a real threat, especially to someone who was only a Jedi Padawan. Tales of the Empire looks excellent, both the actual animation and the storyline they’re teasing. I can’t wait to see it.
What did you think of “Revenge”? Are you going to watch Tales of the Empire? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Just caught some of this. Not bad. The tone is there.
Animation is high quality. Really wish Disney would apply this to Mutants. This animation.